Site Study: OE Federal Credit Union Stands Out By Zeroing In
Last updated: March 12, 2020
Our site studies identify the key attributes that help a bank or credit union website rise above the rest. Our site studies do not focus on PixelSpoke client websites, but rather bank and credit union websites that our clients admire. Do you have a recommendation for a future site study candidate? Let us know at
Is more always better? As credit unions have expanded their scope of membership, particularly since the passage of the Credit Union Membership Access Act (H.R. 1151) in the 1990s, more and more Americans have been able to gain access to credit union services. Most in the credit union industry would agree that more members is a good thing.
Yet now, credit unions face a new challenge—how to meaningfully differentiate with a broader and more diverse membership base? OE Federal Credit Union has sidestepped this challenge by making an intentional decision to continue to exclusively serve union members and their families. Founded by union members in the 1960s, OE Federal has “been and always will be Union Proud.”
Here are three ways that OE Federal stands out from the crowd:
Clear and specific value proposition
Instead of filling valuable homepage real estate with bland offers and promotions, OE Federal cuts straight to the punch. “We Put Union in Credit Union,” its homepage boldly proclaims, going on to assert, “No one understands union workers and their families like we do.” Any union member who lands on the OE Federal website will feel an immediate sense of connection and belonging.
Messaging around products that address union members’ unique financial needs
According to OE Federal, “Banks and other financial institutions don’t understand the long hours, seasonal work, and other challenges of union workers.” The credit union remains committed to union members, taking their specific financial needs and goals into account, whether by offering to pause payments for striking workers, or to provide underwriting services for those with seasonal work. OE Financial offers its members a curated and meaningful banking experience that they are unlikely to find anywhere else.
Imagery and design that speak to its audience
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. OE Federal doesn’t just tell its website visitors that it understands unions; it also shows its visitors with curated photos, font choices, and color schemes that back up its claims. You won’t see many cheesy stock photos of people dressed a bit too stylishly, with smiles revealing teeth that are a bit too white, in houses that are a bit too clean. The people look authentic, diverse, and representative of OE Federal’s target audience. The effect is further enhanced by the website’s rugged fonts and gritty, textured background colors.
Improve your website today
Do the photos on your website showcase your actual membership base? Even if your audience isn’t as targeted as OE Federal, chances are, they have some things in common—whether it’s appreciation of a local landmark or business, a shared passion for the great outdoors, or a fondness for a signature food or drink. Even if a custom photo shoot is beyond your budget, look for stock photography specific to your region, and check out TONL for more culturally diverse stock photo options.
If you’re looking to revamp or bolster your website’s capabilities, contact us at PixelSpoke today!