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Reliant Credit Union’s Recently Redesigned Website Wins a 2021 CUNA Diamond Award!

CUNA Diamond 2021 Website Award for Reliant Credit Union

We’re excited to announce that our client, Reliant Credit Union, won a 2021 CUNA Diamond Award in the Website Category.

Founded in 1970, Reliant serves more than 40,000 members in New York State’s Monroe, Ontario, and Wayne counties. A full-service financial institution, Reliant offers a complete range of financial products and services, including mortgages.

From the outset of the project, PixelSpoke and Reliant identified three primary goals for the website redesign:

  1. Bring Reliant’s culture of friendly service online
  2. Reflect and reinforce Reliant’s updated brand
  3. Make it easy for members and prospects with intuitive, user-friendly navigation

Whether using a desktop, tablet or phone, visitors to Reliant’s new website can enjoy a cleaner, simpler look with easy-to-use navigation and robust product pages featuring relevant rates, calculators and FAQs.

With updated copy, testimonials, and member photos and videos, the new website has a personable, welcoming look and tone that is consistent with its “people helping people” philosophy.

The upbeat look and feel also showcases Reliant’s refreshed brand and new tagline: “Achieve life.” Its aspirational copy and images are a celebration of each member’s unique financial journey and a recognition of the fact that not everyone fits the same mold.

The new website drives home the message that Reliant’s mission is to empower its members, not just push products — and in the process, redefine what a financial partner can be.

PixelSpoke has won more than 40 other awards for our websites, including prior CUNA Diamond Awards, MAC Awards, Webby Awards, Davey Awards, Communicator Awards, Summit Creative Awards, and W3 Awards. Explore our other credit union website redesigns.

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