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Allegacy and UMe Federal Credit Union Websites Win 2023 CUNA Diamond Awards

Allegacy and UMe Federal Credit Union websites win 2023 CUNA Diamond Awards

PixelSpoke clients Allegacy and UMe Federal Credit Union both won 2023 CUNA Diamond Awards in the Website category! One of the most prestigious annual credit union marketing competitions, the Diamond Awards recognize and reward creative excellence and outstanding results.

Allegacy has been helping members pursue wellness of mind, body and wallet since 1967. As one of the largest credit unions in North Carolina, it serves over 170,000 members worldwide with $2 billion in assets. The most recent website redesign project aimed to:

  1. Improve and personalize the user experience
  2. Upgrade and modernize the site
  3. Incorporate stakeholder feedback in a holistic manner

Learn how Allegacy achieved these goals and see relevant screenshots.

Based in Burbank, California, UMe Credit Union was chartered by a group of Burbank Unified School District teachers in 1940. Today, UMe serves over 16,000 members. From the outset of the project, PixelSpoke and UMe identified three primary goals for its website redesign:

  1. Stand out from the crowd
  2. Be helpers not bankers
  3. Empower the UMe team

Learn how UMe achieved these goals and see relevant screenshots.

PixelSpoke has won more than 50 other awards for its websites, including eight MAC Awards and four prior CUNA Diamond Awards. Explore our other credit union website redesigns.

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