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A Bright New Website for a Brave New Brand: Announcing the Launch of Mirastar FCU

Mirastar FCU's new website on desktop and mobile

We’re excited to announce the launch of Mirastar Federal Credit Union’s new website!

With a mission to create strong, vibrant communities where prosperity is in reach for everyone, California-based Mirastar Federal Credit Union (formerly Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union) has been lifting its members and communities up since 1950.

Mirastar website before and after its redesign

From the outset of the project, PixelSpoke worked with the Mirastar team to identify three primary goals of the website redesign, which was part of a broader rebrand and name change:

  1. Make current and prospective members feel at home on Mirastar’s new website
  2. Modernize and enhance the user experience
  3. Create a partnership for continual improvement

Making current and prospective members feel at home

Mirastar’s new brand is brave, bright, and personal, reflected in the website’s vivid color palette, vibrant design, and approachable language. Subtle scrolling animations add an element of delight, and design motifs throughout the site reinforce the credit union’s new logo. Warm, authentic, and diverse photography helps to convey Mirastar’s inclusive vision of prosperity for all.

About page on Mirastar FCU's new website


Modernizing and enhancing the user experience

Whether visitors are looking for information about a product or service, are ready to apply for a loan or open an account, or need to find a nearby ATM, the site’s revamped and highly intuitive navigation gets them where they need to go. Rates are easily located on a dedicated page and integrated on relevant product pages. A new and improved blog keeps visitors up to date on the latest news and financial wellness tips, and a robust impact section, accessible from the main navigation, helps to communicate the depth and breadth of Mirastar’s commitment to its members and community.

Mobile ATM Finder on Mirastar FCU's new website


Creating a partnership for continual improvement

The Mirastar website is built using flexible WordPress templates that empower the marketing team to update rates, product pages, photos, blog, and other information as needed. Moving forward, Mirastar and PixelSpoke look forward to continuing their partnership to further evolve the website, support the credit union’s digital marketing and analytics strategies, and better support the financial well-being of Mirastar members.

Retirement product page on Mirastar FCU's new website

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