The Remarkable Credit Union
Hey Credit Union Marketers, It’s Time to Talk TikTok
To TikTok or not to TikTok? It’s a question that might seem to have an obvious answer for credit unions—after all, should you, protector of financial well-being, use a channel best known for dance moves, make-up tips, and soul-staring cats to help consumers manage…Read more Hey Credit Union Marketers, It’s Time to Talk TikTok
Is Your Data Telling You to Make More Bad Loans?
Like every credit union marketer, you’re likely on the hunt for better ways to use your data. You’re sitting on a metaphorical mountain of it, and there’s plenty of evidence to suggest the benefits of using it well. But if you’re facing…Read more Is Your Data Telling You to Make More Bad Loans?
The 3 Key DOs and DON’Ts of Lifecycle Marketing
Every credit union would like to be every member’s primary financial institution—the place they turn first whenever they have a new financial need, concern, or goal. And while it’s always taken time, effort, and a well-crafted strategy to build long-term relationships with…Read more The 3 Key DOs and DON’Ts of Lifecycle Marketing
Why Your Credit Union Won’t Go the Way of SVB
Have you spent the last month assuring jittery members that their hard-earned assets are safe? It’s been an undeniably nerve-wracking time. But all crises come with opportunities. As news around bank runs and general economic uncertainty continues to dominate headlines, you can…Read more Why Your Credit Union Won’t Go the Way of SVB